
Rubber Moulding Machines

Twin Station Vacuum Compression Moulding Machine

  • Moulding Technique: Compression, Transfer
  • Load: 150 tons and 200 tons
  • Platen Size: 450mm x 480mm (150 tons); 505mm x 510mm (200 tons)
Compression Moulding Machine

  • Moulding Technique: Compression, Transfer
  • Load: 200 tons
  • Platen Size: 710mm x 910mm


Twin Station Compression Moulding Machine

  • Moulding Technique: Compression, Transfer
  • Load: 60 tons (each station)
  • Platen Size: 350mm x 350mm


Twin Station Compression Moulding Machine

  • Moulding Technique: Compression, Transfer
  • Load: 30 tons (each station)
  • Platen Size: 300mm x 300mm


Laboratory Equipments


  • Type: Oscillating Disc
  • Oscillation Frequency: 100 cycles/min
  • Oscillation Amplitude: ±1°,3°,5°
  • Operating Temp.: Upto 200 °C
Universal Testing Machine

  • Accessory: Extensometer
  • Load Cell: 250kgf, 1000kgf
  • Ancillary Equipment: Pneumatic Dumbbell cutter press with ASTM D412 dumbbell cutter die


Cold Chamber

  • Temp. Range: Upto -40 °C
  • Internal Size: 500mm x 500mm x 400mm
  • Capacity: 100L


Convection Oven

  • Temp. Range: Upto 300 °C
  • Internal Size: 350mm x 350mm x 350mm
  • Capacity: 45L


Muffle Furnace

  • Temp. Range: Upto 1200 °C
  • Internal Size: 150mm x 150mm x 300mm
  • Crucible Material: Ceramic


Density Balance

  • Type: Electronic, Automatic
  • Accuracy: ±1 mg
  • Capacity: 120 g